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SSD Service Charge – The Acoma Supervisors have listened to the feedback, comments and held a public hearing on the SSD costs. The Board has passed a resolution to put a $150 per lot, per year service charge on the SSDs. This will start in 2024. The Board will also be working with the county to have the SSD information recorded on the lots in the SSDs.

Tree and brush trimming – We will be cutting brush in the ditches along the gravel roads with a unit that reaches out from the roadway. There will also be tree trimming along the SSD's (tar) roads this fall. If you see the tree trimming tractor or the crew beware of falling branching and debris being thrown from the equipment.

Quade Dam – The board continues to monitor the water level. We continue to monitor the water level as sometimes there is debris build-up and/or beaver dams that are fluctuating the water above the permitted level. This has happened three times so far in 2023.


Policies – Acoma Township has gone through a process of writing policies so we have a standard to follow. We plan to review each one before they are approved.


Who is working on what:

Chuck Hausladen – Is in charge of grading, snow removal, and mowing of the ditches. 

Tom Dahl – Works on driveway gravel and dust coating. He also works on special projects and coordinates with the Federal or State Governments and the county or other townships when needed.

Jerry Eggert – Works on special projects and coordinates with the vendors.

Nichole Plath – Is the Treasurer and is using the state accounting system to pay all bills and provide the Supervisors with the monthly reports. She also checks on investments such as CDs etc. for the township.

Chuck Lingbeek – Is the Clerk and coordinates the monthly agendas, posts them, keeps the minutes from the meetings and keeps the web site current. 

Disclaimer: Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information contained on this website is valid at the time of publication.  Acoma Township reserves the right to make any changes at any time without notice. Acoma Township disclaims any and all liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies.

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